Modified MDI, as MDI derivatives, has many grades in the market, and are generally designed to meet customized and differentiated application requirements of downstream industries and production conditions. In the supply side of modified MDI, more projects from MDI suppliers worldwide are focused on MDI distillation capacity expansion in next years. In China, modified MDI suppliers are divided into suppliers with MDI capacities (e.g. Wanhua Chemical and Huntsman), and suppliers without MDI capacities that need to purchase PMDI, MMDI, MDI-50 for processing (e.g Inov and JIAHUA). On the whole, Chinese modified MDI industry is highly concentrated. The report will introduce the mainstream brands, production & supply, pricing & sales strategies of the major modified MDI suppliers in China. In the next five years, Chinese modified MDI capacity is expected to further grow. In the demand side of modified MDI, this report will cover the main downstream industries of modified MDI like moulded foam, memory foam / high resilience foam, elastomer and CAS.
Chapter I Modified MDI General Introduction