Upholstered Furniture: The Leader in Polyether Polyols

PUdaily | Updated: December 19, 2023

Furniture industry status

China's furniture industry has intensified competition and increased concentration: China's furniture industry has developed into an important industry with mainly mechanized production, continuous improvement of technical content and continuous emergence of well-known brands. With the country's attention to the quality of architectural decoration products and the rise of consumer brand awareness, China's furniture market is gradually moving towards brand competition. By improving the technical level, strengthening quality management, and increasing investment in advertising and marketing, the brand advantages of leading enterprises in the furniture industry have gradually emerged, which has led to the continuous upgrading of the level of industrial competition, and promoted the development trend of the whole industry driven by brand enterprises and continuous innovation, thus improving the concentration of China's furniture industry.

China's furniture industry will develop in the direction of new retail, new marketing and new services: With the rise of a new generation of consumer groups, people's lifestyle and life concept have undergone changes, furniture products have also put forward higher requirements, the choice of furniture products more pursuit of personalized and fashionable, the future of customized furniture personality, fashion, time saving, labor saving, will conquer more consumer groups. Furniture companies need to pay more attention to brand building and product design to meet the new needs of consumers for furniture products, and the furniture industry as a whole is developing in the direction of new retail, new marketing and new services.

Furniture industry anti-dumping policy impact

With the continuous development of global trade, trade barriers and tariffs between countries have become an important factor hindering the process of globalization. Among them, anti-dumping measures, as a means of trade protection, have been frequently used by many countries in recent years. As the world's largest mattress producer, China's mattress exports are also facing anti-dumping pressure from the United States.

Under the influence of the anti-dumping strategy of the United States for China's mattress, China's furniture enterprises have gone through two stages. The first phase is from 2018 to 2021, given that the United States has imposed tariffs of up to 25 percent on almost all household categories in China, of which mattresses are also subject to anti-dumping duties. During this period, China's foreign trade household industry began to transfer to Southeast Asia, through Vietnam, Thailand and other Southeast Asian countries to export to Europe and the United States. The second stage is from 2021 to the present, and in April 2021, the US Department of Commerce officially announced the high anti-dumping tax rate against the seven countries. Chinese home furnishing enterprises have to adjust their strategy again, on the one hand, to dig deep into the domestic domestic market, on the other hand, to build factories in the United States and Europe. For the domestic domestic market, furniture companies will focus on expanding the sinking market. Sinking market is one of the biggest consumption growth points in China, with a huge market size and increasing purchasing power. According to data from the National Bureau of Statistics, the per capita disposable income of rural residents in China has increased year by year, with a year-on-year growth of 7.6% from January to September 2023, bringing more opportunities for "high-quality and low-cost" mattresses. For overseas demand, even in the face of Chinese workers to sea difficulties, high labor costs in the United States pain points, furniture companies still choose to build factories in Europe and the United States. In the case of Dream Lily, under the influence of anti-dumping policies, the company accelerated the production capacity of the factory in the eastern United States, and at the same time built a new factory in the western United States to meet the order demand of the American market. Pudaily believes that furniture companies with forward-looking layout of U.S. production capacity can better meet the local market demand, thus benefiting from this round of anti-dumping.

                       Us mattress dumping timeline

Targeted Country





In response to the application submitted by a number of mattress companies in the United States on September 18, the United States Department of Commerce announced the launch of an anti-dumping investigation on mattresses imported from China



On October 18, 2019, the US Department of Commerce announced a final anti-dumping ruling on mattresses imported from China: ruled that the compulsory response enterprise Healthcare Co., Ltd. The dumping rate is 57.03%, the dumping rate of Jinorsi Light Industrial Products Co., LTD., JiNorsi (Xiamen) Light Industrial Products Co., LTD., JiNorsi (Zhangzhou) Light Industrial Products Co., Ltd. is 192.04%, the dumping rate of other exporters with separate tax rates is 162.76%, and the general dumping rate of China is 1731.75%.

China, Cambodia, Indonesia, Malaysia, Serbia, Thailand, Turkey and Vietnam


The US International Trade Commission (ITC) voted to make a final determination of anti-dumping industrial injury for Mattresses imported from Cambodia, Indonesia, Malaysia, Serbia, Thailand, Turkey and Vietnam, and a final determination of anti-subsidy industrial injury for mattresses imported from China.

Mexico, Philippines, Poland, Slovenia, Spain, Taiwan, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Myanmar, India, Italy, Kosovo


The U.S. mattress industry and several trade associations filed anti-dumping duty complaints (AD) against mattresses from 13 countries and regions, including Mexico, the Philippines, Poland, Slovenia, Spain and Taiwan, as well as Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Myanmar, India, Italy and Kosovo, as well as against mattresses from Indonesia. Filing a Countervailing Duty Complaint (CVD)


Demand for polyether polyols in furniture industry

Sofas and mattresses consume more polyether in upholstered furniture, accounting for more than 80% of the total consumption. Sofa fillings are basically polyurethane, a single sofa products, ordinary polyether accounted for about 45%-60%, 10kg sponge about x kg x kg polyether; The proportion of ordinary polyether in the thin mattress is about 50%-60%, and the 10kg sponge is about x kg-x kg of ordinary polyether. In the soft furniture industry, although the overall demand is limited under the influence of the real estate downturn, under the development trend of "everyone lives" and customized integration, the growth of leading enterprises and high-quality enterprises is significantly higher than the industry as a whole, which has led to the steady growth of polyether consumption in the soft furniture industry. According to estimates, in 2023, the polyether consumption of China's upholstered furniture industry is about xx million tons, with a growth rate of about xx%.


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